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Derecho Tornado Story or Damn Dog

September 5, 2012

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"No," dog said to me with a tornado going by window. "No. The SKUNK is in that closet." I am pulling his scruff but he is a Newfie, the scruff stretches two feet and he is 143 pounds, so I lose. "Comeon, let's go in just for a minute. It's fun. She's nice, she's cuuuuteee." "No. I'll stay out here with the derecho-tornado. The skunk will eat me." Now... he is confused because Lacey wouldn't eat him but her late sister Blossom would have killed him.

Skunk nail clippers! Hide!

April 19, 2010


If not for Blossom's screams.... but trimming pet skunk nail trimming has never been easy.

Sitting with a skunk on my shoulder…

January 26, 2010


I know she is trying to figure out how to launch herself onto the keyboard because that is her favorite part of the office experience. Basically, this is Blossom's office, I just work here to keep her off the desk.

But I don’t like saaalad….

April 5, 2009


I grabbed her so Blossom could eat, then proceeded to spoil Lacey by drizzling a half teaspoon of flaxseed oil on her salad, stirring well. I placed bowl and skunk back in place. Lacey started to nibble. Blossom had been watching. She left a nearly full bowl and charged toward Lacey’s bowl. I was in the middle of the room like a halfback. It is a halfback? Or quarterback? Anyway, I grabbed Blossom. Her body-slamming skunk fights are never pretty. “It’s not fair!” Blossom screamed, kicking. “She gets everything! That beauty mark nose stripe! She's longer and fluffier! AND she gets the oil!”