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Happy bubbles…

December 19, 2008

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Hubby said I was burping her, but no, I know a happy bubble when I hear it...

Two Skunks A Leaping Christmas Card

December 17, 2008


"I know, let's leap into the Christmas tree!" said Sequoia. And so they did...

Sage really did eat the fake ladybug

December 14, 2008

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Too many times, the nasty creatures got in my salad. Or my skunk would try to eat one and vomit around the house ten times, me following with paper towels and the vinegar spray bottle while he spit and gagged all over the hardwood floors.... Oh, then I drank one of those poisonous devil bugs and took ipecac to get it out of me. So I let hubby shop vac a gallon of them a week from there on out.